Ireland 34%

Criteria Question Weight Score Answer
Standards & rules Are standards and rules in place? 10 Unknown  


Initial verification Is an initial inspection required? 10 Fulfilled  


Periodic inspection Is a periodic inspection required? 7.5 Not met  


Inspection report Must there be proof of the inspection by the delivery of an inspection report? 5 Partially fulfilled  


Inspection for existing installations Is there a mechanism for inspection of existing installations? 10 Partially fulfilled  


Inspector Must the person carrying out the inspection be a qualified inspector? 7.5 Partially fulfilled  


Electrical contractor or installer Must the electrical contractor or installer be a qualified person? 5 Partially fulfilled  


Role of utilities Does the electric utility only connect the installation after having received a positive inspection report? 10 Fulfilled  


Consumer education Are consumers educated on the dangers of electricity? 5 Not met  


Regulation Is regulation in place that imposes standards for electrical installations and initial verification? 5 Not met  


Labelling and certification Are products in the market adequately labeled for electrical safety, and is this labeling system understood? 5 Unknown  


Role of manufacturers Do manufacturers actively engage for electrical safety in the marketplace? 5 Unknown  


Market surveillance Is there adequate action on market surveillance from the authorities? 15 Not met